Passion Pays
"Write what you know" may be good advice for newbie writers. "Write what you love" may be even better.
If you feel passionate about something, make that a speciality. It may be a cause dear to your heart or an area that you are an expert on. Think about your passion - you'll find a hundred different angles (and markets!) to make it work for you.
I've been racking my brains about an area to 'specialise' in. And then I realised that for the last 12 years or so, I keep coming back to issues of Change, of the making-a-difference variety. These are the articles that make my fingers dance over the keyboard and (therefore?) sell easier.
Does the passion come through on the page? Apparently so.
I'm not sure if I've found my niche yet, but writing about things that matter ensures that I never have a dearth of ideas for future articles.
What are you passionate about?